Seamoss Gel


Seamoss gel acts as a thickening agent and is ideal for:

  • Smoothies

  • Soups

  • Stews

  • Baked Goods

      • Semoss gel can be used as a substitute for egg and cornstarch

      • 1 egg can be substituated for 1/4 cup of seamoss gel *

*Amount may vary based on thickness of gel

Simple ingredients

      • Sundried seamoss (applies to all varieties)

      • Water*

      • Lemon / Limes (optional)

Note: You'll need a container or mason jar for storage this recipe

*Seamoss gel recipes can be a bit tricky because the amount of water needed for the desired consistency may vary. Ideally a smooth, applesauce like texture is desired

**To create a flavoured seamoss gel, simply supplement water with your liquid of choice. Natural fruit juice is a nice choice


Step 1 Clean: Like any other produce, it is important to first clean the seamoss to remove any sea debris or particles.

Step 2 Soak: Place the sea moss in a large bowl and cover it with water of your choice (recommended to use filtered, alkaline or spring water as this is what the seamoss will absorb and you ingest). Ensure that all parts of the seamoss is covered with water, then cover and set aside for at least 8 - 24 hours to allow for water absorption at room temperature.

Optional: If the seamoss has a strong salt scent, add lime/lemon slices to the bowl. This step is advised for the purple and blue varieties.

Step 3 Process: Once the seamoss has gone through the absorption process, it now now time to transform the rehydrated seamoss into gel. You can either decide to create the gel using the blend or heat process

Blend Process (Recommended):

  1. Transfer the rehydrated seamoss to your high-blender blender along with water.* Use a small amount of water to start (similar to making a smoothie, the less water the thicker it will be. Since the desired texture is gel-like it is better to start with smaller quantities of water)

*Tip: Do not discard the water unless it is cloudy or has debris. The water can be used to add to the blender and is recommended as it contains nutrients from the seamoss.

  1. Blend until it is smooth for about 1 - 3 minutes (depending on your blender) adding small increments of water until the desired texture is achieved.

Heat Process:

  1. Transfer the rehydrated seamoss to a pan along with some water.

  2. Over low heat, stir seamoss and water. The seamoss will start to break and dissolve. This may take ~15 - 20 minutes.

Most persons choose to use a high-powered blender over the heat process to transform the rehydrated seamoss to gel because it is believed that heat destroys the nutrients in the seamoss, however using a low heat process can help to reduce this risk.

Reasons persons may opt to use the heat process:

  • Since this method allows for the evaporation of water, the amount of water is less important as the water can be reduced by heating for a longer period.

  • If you do not have a high-powered blender it may be difficult to create a very smooth texture without a high powered blender, heat method makes this easier.

Tip: If you don't have a high-powered blender, you can use the heat process for a shorter time period and then blend. With this approach you can obtain the similar results to a high-powered blender

Step 4 Transfer: Transfer the seamonss gel into an airtight container or mason jar, and refrigerate. After about 2 hours in the fridge the sea moss gel should thicken.

Be sure to leave us a comment if you've tried one of our recipes and tag us on instagram and facebook! Share other recipes you've made with #HelensBountySeamoss and tag us so we can share and feature!

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