About Our Brand

A Family Enterprise

The story behind Helen's Bounty starts with Francois "Hudson" Norbert, a nature loving family man who held a passion for agriculture and his homeland Saint Lucia.

Hudson, The Heavy Bomber or HB as he was affectionately called, fathered 12 children with his wife Catherine and ensured to engender and instil in all of them a love for living off the land and need for self sufficiency. This lesson was made clearer in 1977 when Hudson acquired his own three acre farm known since then by the name "Miné". On his small estate Hudson cultivated a myriad or trees, fruit bearing and otherwise and within his children he cultivated an appreciation for hard work and healthy eating.

Though many of his children would grow to become part time farmers and fishermen, his youngest son Stanislaus "Conrad" Norbert would keep his father's legacy alive making farming his mainstay. In or about 2019, as interest in Saint Lucian Seamoss was growing, Conrad and his nephew (Sylvanus "Baldhead" Charlery) established a large seamoss farm. Months later Conrad would encourage his sister (Jane "Prisca" Norbert) and her son (Dylan Norbert-Inglis) to join him in cultivating seamoss. Prisca would later also introduce her daughter (Darci Norbert-Inglis) to the enterprise.

Initially, the family harvested and dried seamoss which was sold to local exporters. Leaning on the drive and lessons learned from their patriarch, the family soon constructed their own sun-bleaching beds and dry houses to process the seamoss.

Dylan pooled in the support of his wife (Lydia Norbert-Inglis) who suggested that the family explore its own international markets.

In 2022 Dylan and Lydia launched the Helen's Bounty (Saint Lucia) brand as a registered business name under which the family could market ,sell and export seamoss products and other produce grown on the still operational Miné Estate.

The name Helen's Bounty, is an ode to the island Saint Lucia, which having been the subject of many battles between the English and the French, came to be referred to as the Helen of the West Indies. The name also uses the initials "H.B" in homage to the father of the family brand.

Conrad, Baldhead, Prisca, Dylan, Darci and Lydia still maintain complete control and oversight of the running of Helen's Bounty from cultivation to sale.

The family's products are now exported internationally to countries are far as England and Dubai and most recently to the United States, Mexico and Canada, through the Canadian registered subsidiary Helen's Bounty.

They collectively run the affairs of the brand under the mantra; A healthy life is a bountiful one.

Francois "Hudson" Norbert

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