About Seamoss


Saint Lucian Seamoss (Genus Eucheuma) is a fast growing sea shrub which naturally grows in a variety of colors ranging from tan, yellow and brown to red and green. Seamoss contains a myriad of essential vitamins and minerals and has long been used and appreciated as a health supplement, hair and skin care product and as a natural thickening agent and substitute for eggs, cornstarch and other similar products.

Our Saint Lucian Seamoss is a high-grade, premium, gluten free, vegan, non-GMO, naturally sun-died plant superfood that's packed with powerful vitamins, and minerals.

Phase 1: Our Cultivation

Our Seamoss grows from cuttings of other seamoss plants which are meticulously tied equidistantly along long ropes anchored in shallow pristine untouched waters of a quiet sheltered bay on the South-East Coast of Saint Lucia.

Our seamoss is left to float just below the waterline being regularly rotated and cleaned to ensure it is kept healthy. Most of our seamoss benefits from constant sunlight and as such assumes a soft tanned to yellows color. Some other varieties take on a light green colour.

Seamoss which does not benefit from extended periods of direct sunlight will usually assume a darker brown to red colour. When cloud cover is prolonged or at times of year when the day are shorter large expanses our seamoss crop will assume this dark colour.

Being grown in a sunny tropical island however, the conditions necessary to obtain this darker variety are not very common. Luckily, occasional rough waters will break the seamoss branches and cause them to be deposited in deeper valleys within the cove. When darker varieties of seamoss are in high demand, free-divers will dive into these deep underwater chasms to recover the dark brown/ red seamoss variety which naturally growths without the benefit of sunlight.

Phase 2: Our Harvest

When deemed large enough, portions of the seamoss are methodically pruned, collected and placed in sacks to be carried ashore. When darker varieties are in short supply divers explore the nearby underwater chasm to recover this hidden gem, collect them bag them.

Phase 3: Our Sun Bleaching Process

After being harvested, seamoss earmarked as gold sundried seamoss is washed in fresh water and placed on large beds to by bleached by the sun. To protect the seamoss from the unwanted elements, the Seamoss is covered in clear plastic. After the sun has bleached the seamoss over the space of one to two days the seamoss is transferred to the drying houses.

Our seamoss earmarked as blue or purple sundried seamoss skip the sun bleaching process to preserve the deeper and darker colours which they have at harvest. After being washed they are placed directly in the drying houses.

Phase 4: Our Sundried Process

The drying houses are large naturally heated greenhouses with netted shelves which allow the seamoss to dry evenly. depending on the sunshine and temperatures naturally achieved seamoss may take anywhere from one to three days to completely dry.

Our Packaging and Shipping

Having been harvested, and processed, our seamoss earmarked for local sales or eastern nation exports are packaged in Saint Lucia. Seamoss earmarked for distribution in the United States, Canada and Mexico are exported in bulk to our Toronto subsidiary for separation and packaging.

Once our seamoss has arrived at our facility in Canada, it is hand packaged by a family resident there and a signed thank you note is attached to each package.

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